简介:“他”(艾伦·瑞克曼 Alan Rickman 饰)是伦敦一名默默无闻的图书编辑,经历了写作生涯的惨痛失败后,只能在工作之余写写诗,一边唾弃着他平淡无奇的工作,一边为曾经的失败爱情心怀遗憾,渐入颓唐中年。“她”(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)是“他”的 旧情人,离开他之后嫁给了一位极
简介:Composed of three disturbingly sensual and terrifying short narratives, unified by the twin themes of sex and death.《微型死亡》(Little 的aths)是由三个英格兰的尖端电影制作
简介:“The Silence before Bach” is an approach to music and the trades and subjects that surround it through Bach’s works. A look at the profound dramaturgi